Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions in the U.S.
Personalized Therapy
Are you looking for marriage counseling or couples counseling in the New Orleans area? If you are, that’s OK. You are not alone.
Sometimes “happily ever after” doesn’t look like what you, your spouse, or your partner originally envisioned. And the truth is, there’s no wonder why there’s a difference between your initial expectations and your current reality!
During the wedding planning stage, you and your spouse were anticipating living the rest of your lives together at the height of excitement in your relationship. But after you said “I do” and the honeymoon phase ended, real life set in.
For example, you might be experiencing stress from work, be so busy raising children that you have a hard time focusing on your relationship, or be worried about your family’s finances.
While all of these marriage and relationship stressors are normal, they’re also a good reason to meet with one of our marriage counselors to help focus on your relationship with your spouse, reprioritize your lives together, and learn better communication skills. For some, marriage counseling is an absolute must after a marriage crisis, such as a spouse or partner who is dealing with an addiction or one who has been unfaithful.
Therapy for Anxiety in New Orleans
You Are Not Alone – Anxiety Disorders Among Louisiana Residents are Common

Anxiety Therapists in New Orleans
Our Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and Other Counselors Are Here to Help You

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder
Common Symptoms
Here are the most common anxiety symptoms to look out for:
- Often feeling apprehensive or a sense of dread.
- Frequent tenseness and jumpiness.
- Frequent restlessness or irritability.
- Frequently anticipating the worst and being watchful for signs of danger.
- Experiencing a pounding or racing heart or feeling short of breath.
- Sweating often, feeling tremors, or experiencing twitches.
- Frequent upset stomachs, urination, or diarrhea.
- Experiencing frequent headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.
Each of the 6 major anxiety disorders has one overarching symptom in common – a persistent and excessive fear or worry experienced in situations that are not threatening.
Treatment Plan
When your feelings of worry or fear bring on significant stress in your life to the point where you have trouble keeping up, you might need a little help. Fortunately, anxiety is very treatable and you regain improved behavioral health and mental wellness through counseling services, practicing self-care, and learning coping skills!
In our Greater New Orleans counseling practice that serves Orleans and Jefferson parishes, we have a variety of local mental health professionals who are experienced in helping patients navigate anxiety, decrease stress, and rediscover the joy in their day-to-day activities or big events. Whether you live close to Tulane or off Canal St, our Metairie counseling services offices, which are not too far off from Jefferson HWY, are close by.
Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in New Orleans
The 6 Major Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Therapists in New Orleans
Types of Anxiety Treatment

Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in New Orleans