You’re Not Alone. Depression is one of the most common mental health illnesses in the world.
Our Approach
Depression Help & Counseling
Depression is one of the most common mental health illnesses in the world.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 264 million people experience depression. And in the US, where 18 million people experience this mental illness, Louisiana has experienced a sharp rise in the number of people diagnosed with the condition in the five-year period between 2014-2018.
In fact, our state has seen the second-largest increase in diagnosed cases of depression in the nation.
What are Counseling Sessions with Us Like?
What Causes Depression
Variety of Symptoms
Depression Includes a Variety of Symptoms, and Counseling is Proven to Help. Whether you’ve already been diagnosed with this mental illness, or you suspect you are depressed, you’re likely already aware of the major symptoms, which include:
- A depressed or low mood that lasts for at least two weeks
- Trouble concentrating and making decisions
- Fatigue and sleep issues, such as insomnia
- Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and guilt
- Being irritable or restless
- Changes in your appetite, whether it be a suppressed or increased appetite
- Not finding enjoyment in the activities that you used to enjoy
- Not wanting to get out of bed in the morning
We'll Help You Find Relief
While depression is a difficult diagnosis to live with, the good news is that many who suffer from depression find help and relief by meeting regularly with a counselor.
In our New Orleans counseling practice, we have a variety of local mental health professionals who are experienced in helping patients navigate depression, improve their mood, and rediscover the joy in doing activities they used to find pleasurable.
Please Talk To Us